This day 100 years ago on August 15, 1912 the world was graced with the birth of Julia Child! One of America’s culinary geniuses.
Julia was an early influence on my culinary endeavors, she inspired me with her “French Chef” cooking show on PBS, in fact, she is who inspired me to explore cooking at home at an early age, and I eventually became famous for my French Omelets. You can read more on “How an omelet changed my life”.
I had the pleasure of meeting Julia and working with her during a Macy’s cooking demonstration event at the New Orleans Centre shopping mall in 1991. At the time I was the Food and Nutrition Director at the Rehabilitation Institute of New Orleans (RINO) at F. Edward Hebert Hospital in Algiers (New Orleans), Louisiana. Other chefs at this event included the late Jamie Shannon then chef at Commander’s Palace, Frank Brigtsen chef and owner of Brigtsen’s Restaurant, Chef T. Walden, and several apprentice chefs who assisted us in preparation for the demonstrations. The photo below was taken in one of the meeting rooms before the event, I am standing second from the left and just behind Jamie Shannon.

Julia Child Macy’s Cooking Demonstration with local New Orleans chefs.
Happy Birthday Julia!
All our love!
4 responses so far ↓
1 Cake decorator // Aug 17, 2012 at 10:25 am
Julia Child never seemed to have aged. I remember watching her as a teenager. I will never forget her distinct voice.
2 Melissa Trout-Baron // Sep 2, 2012 at 5:03 pm
Thank you for this article. I was watching Julie and Julia today with my children who never knew their Uncle Jamie Shannon, he died when they were very young. I was telling them how fond he was of Julia Child and how much he admired her. On a whim, I googled his name only to find this article. Thank you for making my day and allowing me to see a photo of my brother, who we miss so very much, captured in a moment that he enjoyed so much.
3 Anne Shannon // Sep 25, 2012 at 3:25 am
I was so pleased that Jamie was mentioned, he loved Julia Child and I miss him very much. His Mother.
4 Ryan Boudreaux // Oct 11, 2012 at 11:53 am
Melissa and Anne,
I am so happy that you have found my blog and thank you for commenting on this post. I had the pleasure of meeting Jamie on several occasions including the Julia Child events and at Commanders’ Palace. Jamie is still an inspiration to all of us from the New Orleans restaurant scene.
Bon appetite!