Chef Ryan

Cajun Chef Ryan

Feeling & sharing a world of cooking ~ more than your average Cajun


Linguine with Artichoke, Shrimp, and Mascarpone ~ Emeril’s Sizzling Skillets and Other One-Pot Wonders Cookbook

September 20th, 2011 · 10 Comments

Emeril's One Pot Sizzling Skillet ~ Linguine with Artichoke, Shrimp, and Mascarpone
Emeril’s One-Pot Sizzling Skillet ~ Linguine with Artichoke, Shrimp, and Mascarpone

This is our fourth recipe from Emeril’s new cookbook, as we continue our participation in the One-Pot Blogger Cooking Party.

Along with nineteen other foodie blogger’s, we are sharing recipes, photos and our experiences from cooking within the new cookbook. Today, I am going to share our experiences from making the Linguine with Artichoke, Shrimp, and Mascarpone as found on page 37 from Emeril’s new cookbook Sizzling Skillets and Other One-Pot Wonders which is available for pre-order now, the book goes on sale on Tuesday, September, 27, 2011.

Check out our other three recipes from last week which kicked off the One-Pot Blogger Party here on CCR!

Emeril’s recipe for Linguine with Artichoke, Shrimp, and Mascarpone is included in the Skillets and Saute pans chapter along with 23 other recipes that can be prepared from a single skillet.

Restaurant quality dining in your home!

This is a restaurant quality recipe! The mascarpone cheese melts into the liquid and wine to form an amazing sauce which coats the shrimp, artichokes, and linguine with creamy texture, and rich flavor. I recommend you get this cookbook so you can try this recipe yourself! After reading about some of the ingredients and techniques in this blog post, you will be all set and ready to execute a perfect dinner entree treat for your family and friends!


And now a little discussion on some of the ingredients in Emeril’s Linguine with Artichoke, Shrimp, and Mascarpone.

The ingredients for this recipe include of course linguine pasta, shrimp, mascarpone cheese, and several others, check out the image below and see if you can spot the missing ingredient that I left out of the still life photo? If you found it, please post your comment below.

Recipe ingredients
Recipe ingredients

Shallots [SHAL-uht; shuh-LOT]

One of the ingredients that I had not mentioned yet is shallots, which seems to add a bit of confusion for some folks, including several television food show personalities. How many times have you seen someone chopping a bunch of green onions and they refer to them as shallots? More than a few times I bet! I think what is happening is that they are confusing the term with the word scallion [SKAL-yuhn], which is applied to several members of the onion family including a distinct variety called scallion, immature onions, commonalty called green onions, young leeks and sometimes the green tops of young shallots.


Shallot is a member of the onion family, (Allium ascalonicum) and are formed in the shape more like garlic than onions, with a single head composed of multiple cloves, each covered with a thin papery skin. The color of the skin can vary from a pale brown to a gray rose hue, and the off-white flesh typically is tinged with a purple tint. The dry-skinned shallot is available year-round and should be stored in a cool dry, well-ventilated place for up to a month. Shallots are selected in many recipes for their mild onion flavor and are used in the similar manner as onions, however, they are typically minced, as shown in the measuring cup in the image above.

Pan Flipping Technique

Flipping the pasta in the skillet
Flipping the pasta in the skillet

Once the sauce is made the pre-cooked linguine is added to the skillet, then combined into one amalgamation to form and finish the dish. Part of that means incorporating the cooked pasta in with all the shrimp, artichokes, and melted mascarpone cheese. As you can see from the image above, I used my pan flipping technique to toss the pasta together with the sauce.

This technique looks harder than it really is, all it takes is some practice. And you can practice the flipping technique by starting out with a slice of bread. Here are a few simple steps to get your pan flipping technique started:

  1. In a clean and large saute pan or skillet place your slice of bread into the bottom of pan. (You do not need any stove top or flame to accomplish this exercise.)
  2. Hold the handle of the skillet with both hands while you point the front (side away from you) of the skillet at a downward angle, allowing the slice of bread to slide to the end edge of the skillet bottom.
  3. It is all in the wrists! Really it is, now using your wrists twist them with a quick upward motion while at the same time pulling back toward you in a J-hook motion.

See the short video demonstration below, it really is short, just about 6 seconds long. Just goes to show you that the flip only takes a few seconds.


Once you get the hang of flipping your bread slice, move up to something like a cup of dry beans, this will get you used to flipping a group of objects, not just one piece of bread.

Once you master the practice flips you can graduate to actual cooking and tossing. Probably the best first cooked and flipped food item to try out would be an omelet. That is how I got my start back when I was a teenager, I broke several dozen eggs to master the omelet flip after watching an episode of The French Chef with Julia Child.

Linguine with Artichoke, Shrimp, and Mascarpone

Linguine with Artichoke, Shrimp, and Mascarpone
Linguine with Artichoke, Shrimp, and Mascarpone

Emeril’s All Clad Skillet

Oh…and by the way!

Several years ago my dear bride bought me this Emeril’s All Clad saute pan, and it has been one of my favorite skillets within my kitchen arsenal!

Emeril's All Clad Skillet
Emeril’s All Clad Skillet

Be sure to visit:

Emeril’s Official Website

Emeril’s Facebook Page

Follow Emeril on Twitter!/emeril


Bon appétit!
©2011 CCR

Tags: Emeril's Sizzling Skillets · Recipes

10 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Carolyn // Sep 20, 2011 at 12:19 pm

    Looks like a fantastic meal. I buzzed it!

  • 2 Curt // Sep 20, 2011 at 12:26 pm

    All in one pot! That shrimp sells it for me. I just love shrimp!

  • 3 Ann // Sep 20, 2011 at 12:26 pm

    Looks really delicious! I am allergic to shrimp, but I think this would be worth making even without it! Thanks for the great pics! (Shallot is one of my favorites)

  • 4 diabeticFoodie // Sep 20, 2011 at 12:30 pm

    Thanks for the flipping tip! Recipe sounds delicious.

  • 5 Tina@flourtrader // Sep 20, 2011 at 2:06 pm

    This one does have some wonderful ingredients and looks delicious. Thanks for the tips on “the flip”. Great post.

  • 6 Tavia // Sep 20, 2011 at 5:28 pm

    Love love the tips on flipping items in a skillet! And I am so glad you made this dish, I am dying to try it myself. I love the way you use your blog post to talk about the ingredients and techniques — it’s superhelfpul, AND a great way to get around not being able to post the recipe. Pesky publishers! 😉

  • 7 Tiffany // Sep 20, 2011 at 8:47 pm

    We love this recipe, we have made it several times and will many more times for sure. Your pan flipping tutorial is fantastic! I will never be able to do that….. just another reason to let my husband do the cooking!

  • 8 Judy@Savoring Today // Sep 21, 2011 at 9:17 am

    Love the action shot! Great way to incorporate video as a brief teaching technique–well done.

  • 9 Yankee Kitchen // Oct 2, 2011 at 8:21 am

    I am definitely going to try this recipe.

    P.S. love the flip technique… I would have it all over the stove … lol

  • 10 Hat Trick « Real Woman's Health // Jun 23, 2012 at 8:33 pm

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