Chef Ryan

Cajun Chef Ryan

Feeling & sharing a world of cooking ~ more than your average Cajun


Chiles Rellenos

September 30th, 2008 · 4 Comments

 Whiz, whirl, screech, whirl. The wheels spinning and the brakes pulsing while the touring bike continued down the grade until reaching the bottom of the pass on State Highway 64/84 in northern New Mexico, as I sat on the saddle and glided without worry. My day started out before sun up around 5:45 am just as I had every morning for the past two weeks. I spend the night before in the Shamrock Hotel in Chama, NM, and when the rubber hit the road at 7,871 feet it was all down hill for the next 45 minutes. This was just day 15 on what became a two and a half month adventure of my solo bicycling tour in the American Southwest.

The summer of 1983 was unlike any previous and certainly unlike any other. This was total adventure. Many more memories of a trip that highlighted slices of an American Southwest culture rich in heritage and steeped in tradition, as well, the Southwest cuisine influenced my life in many ways. The fresh scent of burning pinion wood and incense also etched in my conscious memories. This Chiles Rellenos recipe takes me back to a time and a place that I hold dear to my heart, memory and soul and will never be forgotten. 

One of my all time favorite American Southwest dishes is the sublime chilies stuffed with jack cheese surrounded by the light and fluffy batter then fried and typically served with a cheese or tomato sauce. My variation is an easy casserole and served with a warm Salsa Verde, or a green tomatillo sauce.






Whole Fresh Anaheim or Poblano chilies, or whole canned green chilies



Monterey Jack cheese (4 ounces cut for stuffing and 4 ounces shredded)





Eggs, separated












Olive Oil

Salsa Verde:




Olive Oil



Tomatillo, hulled and diced



Onion, diced



Garlic, minced



Chili powder



Chicken or vegetable stock

To taste

Salt and black pepper


Preparation Steps (Note: Pre-heat oven to 400° F.)


Fresh Chilies: If you are using fresh whole Anaheim or Poblano chilies then the stem and seeds will need to be removed. Using a paring knife cut a circle around the top stem area of the pepper and then twist off the stem cap. Then carefully remove any excess seeds that are inside the pepper. Add 2 quarts cool tap water to the 4 quart sauce pot and add a little salt then add the cleaned Anaheim peppers. Bring to a boil and then reduce heat to a simmer until peppers are soft, or about 30 to 40 minutes. Drain peppers and allow to cool completely. If using canned whole green chilies start at step 2 below. Place the chilies on the sheet pan to ensure they are whole and intact. You will find that in most cases the canned green chilies tend to be very delicate and break easily, handle them with great care when taking them out and un-folding them in preparation for stuffing. (See Anaheim chilies in the above image)


Stuffing: With half of the Jack Cheese cut 16 finger length sections (approx. 1/2” X 3” each) and gently insert two pieces into each of the 8 chilies.  Take the remaining half of the Jack cheese and shred it for later use.


Batter: In a small mixing bowl blend the egg yolk, milk, flour, salt and olive oil until smooth. Allow to rest for at least 20 minutes then blend again for a few more seconds. In the meantime in a separate mixing bowl beat the egg whites until stiff but not dry to a soft peak stage. Keep the separate beaten egg whites ready, we will get back to them soon.


Sauce: In the sauté pan add the olive oil and sauté the onions and garlic until soft, then add the diced tomatillo and remaining ingredients. Bring to a boil and then reduce heat to a simmer until liquid is evaporated by 2/3 amount.  Transfer the ingredients to the bowl of a food processor and puree until smooth. Transfer the sauce back to the sauté pan and keep warm on a very low heat.


Casserole: With the peppers stuffed and the sauce ready now we can go ahead and assemble the casserole.  Coat the baking dish with a generous amount of butter or non-stick spray. Dredge the stuffed chilies with flour and lay them in the pan. Whip the egg whites again just a bit to ensure that they are still stiff and then fold them into the batter.


Then pour the batter evenly over the top of the chilies, (Optional: sprinkle with a little paprika) and place this into the oven for 15 minutes or until the batter is set and browned.


After 15 minutes remove from the oven and turn on the broiler. Sprinkle the remaining shredded Jack cheese evenly on the top of the casserole and place the baking dish under the broiler for a few minutes to melt and brown the cheese. Remove from the broiler and allow to rest for a few minutes then serve the portions on plates and topped off with the Salsa Verde. See serving suggestion at top of this recipe.  

Tags: Culture · Mexican · Recipes

4 responses so far ↓

  • 1 TeenieCakes // Nov 10, 2009 at 5:54 pm

    I like this idea of a chile relleno casserole vs frying it. Much healthier (and I hate frying!). Gonna give this a try!

  • 2 Janet // Jan 28, 2010 at 1:26 pm

    What a wonderful recipe for one of my favorite foods (chili rellenos)! Thank you so much for posting this recipe.

    I simplified your recipe a bit. I substituted my own frozen Hatch chilis for anaheim/poblano. Thawed the chilis, cut off stems; made slit along long side; deseeded; opened to form flat surface. Wrapped pepper around piece of cooked chicken breast and strip of jack cheese. Placed seam side down in a casserole dish. Followed Chef Ryan’s recipe for the other steps. Served with red homemade hot sauce. I should have made the sauce a little milder since Hatch peppers have a bite.

  • 3 Ryan Boudreaux // Jan 28, 2010 at 1:43 pm

    I like your adaptation on the recipe, Hatch chilies sounds quite interesting. Are these a special variety of pepper?

    Thanks again for posting your variation.

  • 4 Cooking with Erica: Chiles Rellenos | Cooking with Erica // Feb 3, 2010 at 12:06 am

    […] never eaten Chiles Rellenos before, but I’m in love. This recipe is originally from Cajun Chef […]