Ran across this Web News piece from my Permaculture Google Alert Anyone Can Farm » Permaculture – Bakers Green Acres.
Bakers Green Acres based out of Marion, MI is a farm which raises, produces and sells chicken, pork, beef, and eggs and also teaches classes for those who want to learn how to farm.
They also raised funds to build a learning center to help encourage and teach more folks about the importance of growing our own food, and not just meat and protein, but vegetables and carbohydrates as well. Mark Baker describes in the video embedded below how important it is for our generation to learn how to raise and produce our own sustainable food sources.
Their Indiegogo ANYONE CAN FARM: America’s Farm to Fork Academy crowd sourcing project only raised $12,837 of the $75,000 goal. I am hoping that this effort does not die and they continue to offer their on-site courses which can be found on their calendar page. They are also working on some online courses for future offerings.
I myself would love to learn how to farm, and not just the vegetables and produce that I’ve been growing for years, but poultry, pork, and beef also. This seems to be a growing trend especially with the explosion of farmers markets in recent years, the farm to table, and localvore movement all makes more sense to me today than ever before.
Bon appetite!
1 response so far ↓
1 Derrick Mott // Apr 20, 2013 at 8:38 pm
Hey Ryan I lost all my AOL contact information would please email me? looking for a great lamb rack recipe. one I can do on the grill.