Chef Ryan

Cajun Chef Ryan

Feeling & sharing a world of cooking ~ more than your average Cajun


NYT Article – The True Deservers of a Food Prize

June 26th, 2013 · No Comments

Mark Bittman nails it again with his opinionated article on the state of food in our nation and world.

The True Deservers of a Food Prize

In the spirit of the folks mentioned in the article they come from the ranks of folks like these:

It’s the mom and pop farmers who sell their fresh produce at local farmers markets.

It’s the folks who own or rent homes with front yard vegetable gardens.

It’s the yard to table folks who grow their own produce to save money and eat what they know.

It’s the growing localvore movement that benefits from locally generated jobs which provide locally grown produce to farmers markets and aspiring restaurants.

It’s the permaculture and folks who work the land in a symbiotic relationship with rain, water, soil, surrounding trees and the existing land to benefit better use of resources.



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