Now that we are more than a week into the New Year, it would be fitting to review how we did as a blog in 2011. WordPress has a great new feature that ties in with the stats and creates this wonderful info-graphic linked here.

The year in blogging for CCR in 2011
Some of the highlights include:
- Over 220,000 views.
- 23 new posts
- 359 total posts now
- Most popular post was S’mores Bars.
- Top referring sites were Stumble Upon, Cook Eat Share, Foodbuzz, and Hugging The coast.
- Visitors top searches included crawfish bisque, smoked leg of lamb, Cajun shrimp and grits, Mardi Gras, and King Cake.
- Most visits were from the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom.
Looking forward to another great year of blogging on CCR!
Bon appetit!