A follow-up email highlighting Milanesa and Las Tartas ends this segment. Note: Click on images for a larger view.
Entries Tagged as 'Bon Vivant'
Bon Vivant Travels, Part III
December 3rd, 2009 · 5 Comments
Tags: Bon Vivant · Travel
Bon Vivant Travels, Part II
November 24th, 2009 · 7 Comments
That night we all went out for an Argentine steak dinner. We found a superb place that served meat like those in the nicest chophouses in the U.S. but not as pricey. I requested a half order…glad I did, because I got not one but two delicious, thick tenderloins (a “half” order!). We also had bottles of Malbec wine at the table. Good people, food, wine = a very good evening.
Tags: Bon Vivant · Travel
Bon Vivant Travels, Part I
November 16th, 2009 · 9 Comments
I am flying tonight, arriving into S. America (Buenos Aires, Argentina) Sunday morning. I’ll be in Argentina for about 3 weeks. Then I’ll move north (on the west side of the continent), going into Chile, then up into Ecuador, Peru, and Colombia (all combined about 5 weeks). Then I’ll come down into Brazil, take a boat on the Amazon for 3 days until I get to the ocean on the east side of the continent. From there I’ll come down along the coast starting in Salvador, completing my trip in Rio de Janiero in January. My last day in S. America (Rio) will be Jan. 16th.
Tags: Bon Vivant · Travel
Bon Vivant Travels
November 10th, 2009 · 9 Comments
On the other side of the spectrum, and with just a general set of interests in mind, venturing can also take on a loose agenda with open-ended stretches.
Tags: Bon Vivant · Travel