Southern Crescent Menu Cover

     From the back cover page of the January 8, 1978 "Southern Crescent" Passenger Train Schedules:
    The Southern Crescent offers
a Master Room accommodation daily in each direction between Washington and Atlanta, the only premium accommodation of this type in regular service on any passenger train in America - in the world! Generous room space and deluxe annex facilities, including a shower bath, are offered along with a sofa and two chairs for lounging. Two lower berths and one upper are available for bedtime and demand description as the ultimate in luxurious sleep car travel for two and complete comfort for a family of three, or even four. And you are always next door to the popular lounge. The Master Room is truly unique, so make travel plans early and call for reservations soon!1

Southern Railway Passenger Schedule Cover

Southern Crescent" Passenger Train Schedules
Dated January 8, 1978

     Today, we at the Piedmont Division, Cajun Chef Ryan and Elliot's Trackside Diner celebrate the Southern Crescent passenger train and all the fine people who devoted years of service provided to willing patrons of railroad travel between New Orleans, Atlanta, Washington D.C. and beyond!

Today's Lunch and Dinner Specials at the
Trackside Diner
at 1975 Southern Crescent Menu prices2

Diner Interior Diner Exterior

Appetizer ~

$ .50

Southern Railway Herald

Chilled Juices

Chilled Juices

Soup du Jour ~

cup $ .60
bowl $ .90

Southern Crescent Logo

Jellied or Hot Consomme, Clear

Chilled Consommé

From the Grill ~


Southern Railway Herald

Grilled Fresh Fish

Grilled Fresh Fish

Diner Special ~


Southern Crescent Logo

Chicken Pan Pie, Family Style

Chicken Pan Pie, Family Style

Blue Plate Special ~


Southern Railway Herald

Baked Sugar Cured Ham with Raisin Sauce

Baked Sugar Cured Ham with Raisin Sauce

Dessert ~


Southern Crescent Logo

Lemon Ice Box Pie

Lemon Ice Box Pie

Just let Floe, Jeanie or Chloe put it on your virtual tab!
Or, if your lucky the TOP honorary poster will cover it for you!


1Southern Passenger Trains Schedules. January 8, 1978. Southern Crescent Nos. 1 - 2, Orin O. Kell, Director Passenger Sales & Services, Southern Railway System, Atlanta, GA 30303

2Southern Crescent Luncheon Menu. October, 1975. W. H. Bartlett, - Manager, Dining and Sleeping Cars - Southern Railway System, Atlanta, Georiga 30303